MMG Federation

“Health is not a commodity to be bought and sold, but a human right that must be protected.”

– Margaret Chan, former Director-General of the World Health Organization

MMG Federation

“Health is a basic Human Rights”

The Cooperative Health System believes that there is no such things as Private Health, all Health is Public, like wealth must be in the hand of the people.

MMG Federation

“Health Cannot Wait”

The concept of a National Health Cooperative has effectively broken the wall of the traditional Health Delivery System.

A community-building system that nurtures self-reliance and cooperative to ensure Health and Wealth are in the Hands os the People is being built at great speed all oveer the Philippines.


Health co-ops often focus on providing affordable health care to underserved communities, or on promoting preventative health care measures. They may also offer additional services such as health education, wellness programs and other community-based resources.

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The main goal of Supply Chain Management (SCM) is to optimize the flow of goods and services to the members by coordinating and managing the activities involved in the sourcing, procurement, conversion, and logistics management of goods and services.


The IT department of the Federation. Aside from software development. The FEDCIS team works together to ensure that the technology infrastructure, systems and software of the federation are reliable, secure, and efficient to support the needs of the organization and its members. They also provide hardware and software to the members of the Federation.


Hemodialysis Unit team of the Federation. A group of medical professionals who work together to provide hemodialysis treatment, it helps our member put up their own HDU and training for HDU nurses and dialysis technicians.



The division of the Federation that helps our member Chapters with their difficulties and the key function of the federation assistance team is to provide support, resources, and opportunities to member organizations so that they can more effectively meet their goals and better serve their communities.

Become a Member

Membership is open for any interested cooperative hospital. To know more on the requirements and procedure of becoming a member.



Each of the 28 members of the Federation is a primary Health Service Cooperative that is owned and operated by all the workers in the Hospital and/or Health Facility, from the medical doctors, nurses, allied medical workers, administration and maintenance personnel as common shareholders. Common shareholders are investors in the organization that can vote and be voted upon as members of the Board of Directors, the policy making body of the organization.

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Where are you located?

The main office of the Federation is located at  Mission Medical Plaza, KM 17 Ortigas Avenue Ext., Rosario, Pasig City.

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Can an individual person join the Federation?

No. Only Health Service Cooperatives are qualified to be a member of the Federation.

But an individual person can join any of our member chapter.

What is a cooperative hospital

It is owned and operated by all the workers in the Hospital and/or Health Facility, from the medical doctors, nurses, allied medical workers, administration and maintenance personnel as common shareholders.

What does the Federation do?

The Federation serves as a support institution to its member Chapters in terms of Financial, Merchandise, Technology and Education.

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